Blog Rick J Bowen Blog Rick J Bowen

So It Begins

It all begins with an idea.


Hello and welcome to Rhythm , Roots and Blues Report.

I have been making a stab at freelance journalism for nearly a decade now and have had my share of ups and downs , highlights, lowlights achievements and struggles.The learning curve is steep. I have heard some great music and had some great conversations and generally enjoyed being as Jesse Dayton called me “ A cheerleader” for artists. After a few prataffls I have decided to focus my energy on writing about art projects I like and help promoting that content. it does noone good to say “ Oh this stinks, don’t buy it.” How would that help anyone? Thanks to all who have supported me on this journey beginning with my parents who pushed me to stay in college and to Troy Michael at Innocent Words who first took me on as review writer. Thanks to Washington Blues Society and Northwest Music Scene for giving me a second and third homes, and for the Fearless Betsy Brown at Blind Raccoon for giving me a real job and a place on her team. And of course my girls for putting up with listening to the same album over and over for hours while I digest them and then regurgitate my kooky world view . I am always digging to find that little hook in an album that maybe even the artist missed. Music is magic and Universal , from the strum of a guitar, the swatt of a drum and crash of a cymbal and humming of a simple melody, that unifying sound and pulse of Rhythm and Roots and every form of the Blues makes life worth living. And thanks again for reading. RJB

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