Kelly’s Lot : Another Sky

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Kelly’s Lot

Another Sky

For her 15th album Kelly‘s Zirbes and her band Kelly’s lot continue to explore the far reaches of roots rock, blues, Americano, world music, and roots music, while tackling subject matters Of the heart of the home of the times and people in the world around them. 12 original tracks make up the new album titled another sky, released in August 2020, one of the most turbulent years on record. Kelly partnered with acclaimed Producer Doug Pettibone  Who plays pedal steel mandolin and guitar on the new album , as well as singing a duet with her , cementing their fruitful partnership. Another interesting sidenote is that Kelly pushed herself to write six of the tunes while in quarantine using an online word challenge for inspiration.

The album opens with the breezy acoustic pop Ballad, Butterfly,“ which she dedicates to Prince who she Lists among her musical heroes. The cinematic “I Will Find You Again,“ features dynamic drumming from Art Mendoza mixed in with find lead guitar mandolin and fiddle playing from special guest Aubrey Richmond. Dulcet accordion and Spanish guitars add authentic flavor to the Cantina song “Foolish try,“ And Kelly’s evocative vocal is matched by more marvelous violin holding the tension on the challenging comb “ freedom.” She then we recounts the determination to survive an abusive relationship on the jagged track “Took It Back.” Pettibone joins her on the lilting waltz “Tangled,” before they celebrate all things from the Emerald Isle on the traditional jig “The Irish Luck.”  More Tex-Mex influence comes through on the ballad celebrating true love, ”Simple Man,” before giving way to the schmaltzy Surf Rock meets girl group ” Lock Me Up,” and all its campy goodness.

With all the turmoil that we’ve been through in 2020 Kelly set her target on the years end and the hope ,joy and love that the holiday season can bring even though it feels so far away but it gives us a target to shoot for every year which she describes as“ Christmas Is Calling.“

 Nashville based country artist Rick Monroe joins her for another dramatic duet “Sleep On It Tonight,“ an acoustic driven Ballad about rrekindling long lost love, a  finally produced track that is the highwater mark  of the album.

The album closes with the Roots Rocker “Hurricane,“ a driving track that was the result of the online song building exercise. The resulted is a multi-layered discussion about the storm I can brew inside you while the world around us  is spinning out of control, a strong track featuring  some greasy slide guitar and blues harmonica, and offering the prophetic phrase we all should heed “United We Stand ,Divided We Fall.”  Another Sky from Kelly’s Lots is an adventurous offering from a bold group with an undaunted leader.


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